Breast reduction surgery is not only a cosmetic but also a reconstructive operation. Women who seek breast reduction surgery generally feel both physical and psychological discomfort associated with their large breasts.
Women with overly large breasts may have shoulder pain, neck and back pain as a result of heavy breasts, which may result in the appearance of rashes, itching and a bad odour underneath their breasts.

In addition to these physical problems, women with heavy breasts may have trouble in finding clothes or bras. They may feel embarressed by the size of their breasts especially during sportive activities.

Who Needs Breast Reduction?

If you have;

  • Heavy breasts
  • Heavy & sagging breasts
  • Neck, shoulder and back pain because of large breasts
  • Rashes & a bad odour underneath your breasts
  • Bra straps which groove into your shoulders
  • Difficulty in finding clothes or swimsuits because of disproportionately large and or heavy breasts,

Or you,
feel self-conscious,

then, you are a good candidate for breast reduction surgery.

What is Breast Reduction?

Excess skin, fat and breast tissue can be reduced by breast reduction surgery. While removing excess tissue, breast reduction surgery will also make your breasts look youthful and lifted. Breast reduction not only improves the physical appearance of women, but helps to relieve physical discomfort, neck and back pain.

What Should Be Done Before Breast Reduction?

Before surgery, during the first consultation, the patient‘s breast measurements are taken to determine how much breast tissue should be reduced and through which technique it will be performed.
Before surgery, we suggest a radiological examination of the breasts (ultrasonography or mamography) in patients over 35 years old.
It is suggested to stop taking blood thinning medications like Aspirin and Ibuprofen.

Breast Reduction Operation

Breast Reduction Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Surgery may take between two to four hours.Patients stay at hospital on the day of surgery.Different surgical techniques are available. During preoperative consultation, according to the patient’s breast measurements, the ideal technique for each patient is determined. Most commonly, the incision shape is like an anchor, going around the areola, continuing vertically downward and then horizontally underneath the breast. At the end of surgery, the patient will have reduced and lifted breasts.

Recovery After Breast Reduction?

After breast reduction, the patient will have an elastic bandage over gauze dressings. The patient may have drainage tubes which will generally be removed one day after surgery before being discharged from hospital. Generally, absorbable sutures are used, so there will be no need for the removal of stitches. Scars may remain red and raised for up to several months. Patients will be recommended to use some scar reducing creams and silicone sheetings to make scars less evident.
At the end of surgery, the patient will be given a sports bra to wear over the following four to six weeks. Although patients normally feel well three to four days after surgery, it is recommended to avoid heavy lifting and exercise for optimal healing. Depending on their work, patients can return to work one to two weeks after Breast Reduction Surgery.

What are the risks of Breast Reduction?

Just like any surgical procedures, there are risks of bleeding, infection, reaction to any of the medications or anesthetics,and scarred healing. In order to minimize the surgical risks, the patient’s past medical history is reviewed very carefully, the necessary consultations are taken, and the surgery is performed at an accredited hospital.

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